week 9

100 words statement:

Light through fold

Light is an integral element that illuminates a space and constructs atmosphere. Will folding geometries affect the lighting to space? I utilised the simple triangle shapes to create an intricate and unique building. This idea was originated and developed from the origami herringbone tessellation technique to triangular tessellation that enabled the sophisticated look of the roof. I combined and jointed the triangle shapes together and added external light source to display the shadows. Furthermore, I attached the opened windows to the roof to allows more light in the building. In conclusion, the folding geometry techniques have enabled light to be more interesting to space.

Model making 
- Light 

Model Making

Adding materials: 
Interior view: Timber and concrete has always been my top fav, I like the combination of them and the cozy space timber give and also an industrial raw finish concrete gives. 

I used Inax Lascave & stone Isernia from artedomus. I like the colour combination and the texture of these two material therefore I used it for my model. Added figures to indicate scale.
I really liked the unevenness the triangle tessellation has created, so I further emphasised it with uneven textured materials for the roof, which also created extra light and shadow.


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